Membership Marketing

Membership Marketing | Membership Funnels | Paid Membership Advertising

Membership Marketing Services

Membership Marketing

We help clubs find, attract and retain members! Club Champ was actually started after our founder saw the need for digital marketing services in the golf & club industry, while helping his mother, who was the Membership Director at their local club. 

Membership Marketing Materials

Potential members want to know more than just general information about a club before they will reach out. That is why it is imperative for your marketing materials and creatives to highlight your club, and it's unique value proposition. 

Membership Marketing Platforms

Many people are now turning to digital platforms to learn more about country clubs. We help clubs develop websites, landing pages, funnels, and campaigns to generate leads, convert prospects, and bring in members. 

Prospective Member Advertising

One of the easiest ways to generate membership leads and create brand awareness for your club is through paid advertising. We currently utilize digital platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more!

Membership Marketing Strategy

Is your club struggling to generate memberships even after the recent surge in new golfers? If so, you may need a new strategy to generate membership leads, nurture those leads, and bring in new members. 

Membership Retention Consulting

Bringing in new members to your country club is important. What's arguably more important is retaining current members and keeping them engaged. We offer membership retention consulting to do just that. 

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